
Join Our Program

Looking for an opportunity to make money from Cloud IT Sales? Look no further than our affiliate program! Join our community and start earning £££ commissions for every referred customer. As an affiliate, you’ll have access to our trusted resources and support to help grow your business. Sign up today and start earning!

Lifetime Commissions

Affiliates NOW receive a commission on all future purchases by the customer

Direct Link Tracking
We Now allow affiliates to link directly to our site without the need for an affiliate link any referrals from your domain is you receive commissions from that customer for life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I evaluate Cloud IT Sales WordPress Memberships and Services before / after becoming an affiliate?

Feel free to make a few individual test purchases to ensure the quality & safety of our items before you embark on your Affiliate journey

Nope – we are about making sales which turns into commissions for are affiliates

Our Affiliate Programs come with tracking and analytics software so you can see graphs on your account with data to help you know how well you are doing and when you will get paid your commission. After you have joined, you can log into your affiliate dashboard here.


If someone you refer to Cloud IT Sales doesn’t purchase right away, not to worry! A cookie will be set for 90 days so that when they come back and make a purchase, you will still get credit and earn commission. Should they purchase all purchases the customers makes are retained by the referring affiliate for life.


You have unlimited potential here! The more you promote Cloud IT Sales and the more referrals sign up for our services the more commissions we pay out to you.


Feel free to reach out to us with any additional questions you might have about our services or our Affiliate programs in general.


Need ideas for getting started? Want to request a piece of custom content? We’ve got you covered! You can work with one of our Affiliate experts to help you learn the best ways to promote Cloud IT Sales, as well as, offer creative assets we know already perform well for our other affiliate partners. Contact: us via the contact page


Whenever you want, as long as you have a minimum of £50 commission earned.

Signup Now

Let’s Start Earning Together!

1. Join our affiliate referral program

2. Promote Cloud IT Sales on your website, blog, social media, emails, or send to your friends. Make sure to use your unique link!

3. Get paid! You’ll earn a commission when your referrals purchase any Service or sign up for memberships – up to 50% for life